After months of rumors, the cast of the seventh season of The Celebrity Apprentice was confirmed by Donald Trump on the Today show on Tuesday...
“The Real Housewives of Atlanta” will soon be back with some new faces rounding out the group of Georgia Peaches for the franchise show’s seventh...
The Real Housewives of Atlanta will soon be returning for a seventh season with all six peaches of last season, E! News reports. After the insane...
After weeks of hearing about the brawl, last night viewers witnessed the physical altercation between Real Housewives of Atlanta cast mates Porsha Williams and Kenya...
Days before the Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion special airs, Porsha Williams turned herself in to police after an arrest warrant was issued for a fight...
Rumors have been swirling that Real Housewives of Atlanta’s Porsha Williams is at risk of being fired over a fight that happened on the reunion show...
Real Housewives of Atlanta fans know that cast mates Kenya Moore and Porsha Williams have been in a war of words since they first appeared...
Sunday night’s episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta got out of control when a couple’s night organized by Nene leakes turned into fight night. What started out...
Kenya Moore, former beauty queen and a star on the hit reality series ‘Real Housewives of Atlanta,’ will be receiving a raise of $600,000 for...