Drama Erupts as Eniko Hart and Torrei Hart Go Back and Forth About Her Being a Homewrecker

Drama ensued between the seemingly cordial trio Eniko Hart, husband Kevin Hart, and his ex-wife Torrei Hart. Eniko, who has been married to comedian superstar Kevin Hart for a year now, got put on blast for her alleged homewrecker past when she took to Instagram to commemorate her anniversary with Kevin.

Accompanying glimpses of her and Kevin’s big day a year prior, Eniko included the caption, “I’m Grateful to God everyday for putting us together. When it’s real, no love/bond can ever be faked nor broken. My partner in life, My other half that makes me whole, My SOULMATE. Thank you for always keeping a smile on my face. I love you more everyday. 8 years together.. 1 year married..Forever to go!”

To be fair, Torrei and Eniko have always had their fair share of feuds, but it all seemed to have relatively died down. Until now. It appears Eniko might have given herself away as a homewrecker by referencing her and Kevin’s relationship being eight years long. See, Kevin and ex-wife, Torrei, have been divorced for only six years. There is overlap.

While many people in Eniko’s comment section showered her with congrats and well wishes, there were quite a few that brought attention to just that. Eniko’s response to the criticism? “Their marriage was broken way before I came in the picture. They were separated, living in separate homes. I was never a secret. She knew that as well. Don’t believe the hype.”

From there, Eniko threw some very unnecessary shade at Torrei when a fan pointed out that she might want to be humble about their relationship since numbers don’t lie and her admittance would only further fuel mistress rumors.

Eniko commented, “It’s no problem at all. I’m basically immune to it now. Those rumors were spread from her years ago because she wanted to play the victim and not own up to her wrong doings as well. Singled me out as the mistress because we stuck…Knowing damn well there were other women during their marriage. But I never wrecked any home. That was never the case, and people ran with it. Only WE know how it really went down.”

That’s when things went left between the two Harts and Torrei slid into Eniko’s comment section to set the Kevin’s new wife straight. Torrei wrote, “Eniko sweetheart normally I don’t feed into this, but when you addressed me, you forced my hand to respond. We have made successful strides to become a loving co-parenting family, but you have now left it open for my character to be questioned. You, Kevin and I know the truth. I offer this simple solution to your ‘ig comments problems’ either respond truthfully or don’t respond at all. Thank you for considering my advice – Torrei.”

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Since Kevin has openly admitted several times in stand-up routines of his past that he has cheated on Torrei habitually, there was really no need for Eniko to comment to a follower on the matter and bring up old dirt. All seemed to be well and cordial between the three who had reportedly made amends despite their rocky start. Torrei even congratulated Eniko and Kevin on their new baby on the way earlier this year.

However, we aren’t the only ones confused. Torrei expressed her thoughts on the Instagram exchange between her and Eniko to TMZ. “Numbers don’t lie,” she said, regarding the Kevin and Eniko timeline.

Check out all she had to say to the paparazzi in the clip below.

Photo Credit: PR Photos

Sheriden Chanel is a twenty-something writer, Beyoncé enthusiast, and lover of all things visual art. Keep up with her and her musings on social via @indiebyline.
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