Beyonce is the gift that keeps on giving! After Sunday’s Grammy performance, Queen Bey decided to shock the world once again with a new version of “Love Drought”.
The three-minute video begins with a poem by Warsan Shire, who contributed to Bey’s album Lemonade. “He bathes me until I forget their names and faces,” Bey recites in the video. “I ask him to look me in the eye when I come… home. Why do you deny yourself heaven? Why do you consider yourself undeserving? Why are you afraid of love? You think it’s not possible for someone like you. But you are the love of my life. Love of my life, the love of my life, the love of my life.”
As she lays in an empty football field, her expression mimics the words of Warsan Shire. The video also shares some similarities to her Grammy performance. In one notable scene, Bey is sitting on a chair that’s laying on a table.
i wish i could trust a man as much as Beyonce trusted this chair
— evil queen (@urbandoll) February 13, 2017
Last year Beyonce released the full length movie for Lemonade on HBO, which went on be nominated for an Emmy. Although the new video has some similarities to the original, the re-released version is sure to please.
Check out the video below!
Credit: BeyonceVEVO/Youtube Screenshot