In a world where the media is constantly inundated with negative images of the black family, the story of Nitra, Mario and M.J. Myles is a welcome and inspirational change of pace.
The photo above, which has gone viral, is a shot of the family all in their caps and gowns with their respective graduation dates as a caption beneath.
Check out Nitra’s inspiring Facebook post below:
Mario: Masters of Special Education (May 7) Nitra: Juris Doctor (May 21) MJ: Kindergarten (May 23)#MayGrads #AFamilyThatStudiesTogether
Posted by Nitra Myles on Saturday, March 12, 2016
The photo itself is super sweet, but it’s the family’s story about how they got there that makes their journey inspiring.
Nitra became unexpectedly pregnant with M.J. while she was a sophomore and Mario was a senior at Xavier University of Louisiana. The couple were both in New Orleans without family, so they quickly had to learn to rely on each other to balance the responsibility of the new baby, work and school.
“All of my friends automatically assumed I was just going to leave school and find a job,” she told Buzzfeed about how her peers reacted when they learned she was pregnant. Even some of Nitra’s professors counted her out, thinking that she’d drop out and not return.
Not only did the determined student complete her undergraduate degree (with honors), but so did Mario, who will receive his master’s in special education in May. Nitra will finish law school in May and their son M.J. will graduate kindergarten.
“There is going to be a significant amount of work that needs to be done,” she said. “You can do it, and not only can you do it, but it gives your child something to work for themselves.”
Photo Credit: Nitra Myles Facebook