The family of the late Walter Scott and the city of North Charleston, South Carolina, have reached a $6.5 million settlement. According to CNN, the North Charleston City Council approved the settlement on Thursday night.
Scott was fatally shot on April 4 by former North Charleston police officer Michael Slager after being pulled over, reportedly for a broken brake light, and later struck in the back as he was running away from police.
The former officer, Michael Slager, is now facing murder charges.
“This is the largest settlement of this type case in the history of South Carolina,” said Brady Hair, North Charleston’s City Attorney.
Mayor Keith Summey appears to be pleased with the settlement.
“I’m glad the city and the family were able to reach a settlement without the necessity of a lawsuit,” said Summey
The victim’s brother Anthony Scott also spoke on the settlement.
“The city of Charleston’s actions have ensured that Walter did not die in vain,” he said. “The city sent a message, loud and clear, that this type of reckless behavior will not be tolerated.”
The Scot family will donate part of the settlement to the Red Cross for disaster relief, says Anthony Scott.
Head over to CNN for the full story.
(Photo Credit: CNN)
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