T.I. Pens Powerful Spoken Word Poem About Social Media Activism

T.I. has remained one of the more outspoken rappers on the topic of injustices towards the black community at the hands of law enforcement, and now he is urging others not to limit their activism to social media hashtags.

During Saturday’s 2015 Triumph Awards, the rapper presented the spoken word poem titled, “United We Stand,” that speaks directly about social media activism.

Read T.I.’s poem in full below and watch a clip from T.I.s performance.

United we stand/ Because we created a hashtag for Sandra Bland
Jumped off the front of the ship and dove into the Internet waves
Swimming with DMs, likes, comments/ Not noticing how much it makes us slaves
Chained by man-made device small enough to fit into the palm of our hand
I guess that’s made it easy to swipe to the left and scroll to the next
And forget about Sandra Bland
United we stand
Because we wore hoodies and t-shirts that read ‘Black Lives Matter’
But, ‘Quick homie take this flick
Gotta make sure all my followers see this fresh ‘fit’
Are we really about the movement or more concerned with our follower count growing fatter?
Secondary to revolutionary does not exist
Our society’s issues are deeper than social media posts, there’s a long list
And if you think solely making them a trending topic will solve them
Well, then, you’re a part of the problem
We are Trayvon Martin
We are Jordan Davis
We are Eric Garner
We are Tamir Rice
We are Walter Scott
We are Eric Harris
We are Freddie Gray
And We are Sandra Bland
United we stand.


(Photo Credit: Kevin Winter/Getty Images)