Kerry Washington Talks Tweets, Tips and More On ‘EDIT’


Scandal star Kerry Washington covered Net-A-Porter’s The EDIT for March, where she admitted that nothing — not even childbirth — was able to keep her from live-tweeting the ABC series while she was in labor.

“Every Thursday within three weeks of my [daughter Isabelle’s] due date, I loaded up pre-tweets based on the episodes and what I would want to say,” she told Net-A-Porter’s The EDIT magazine. “I tweeted in the very early stages of my labor. I figured that if I went completely silent on social media, then people would know I was in the hospital!”

While her pre-meditated plan was a move her on-screen persona would have directed herself, Washington revealed what helps her channel Olivia Pope.

“The biggest thing for me are the shoes,” she said. “I’ll wear Uggs around set, but I can’t rehearse a scene in them because I don’t feel like Olivia until I put the shoes on. Shoes define how you walk in the world and how you stand, like: what is your posture in life?”

That’s one heel of a tip!

Catch Kerry Washington’s on Net-A-Porter’s The EDIT and on Scandal tonight at 9 p.m. on ABC.

See more pictures from the photo shoot with famed photographer Bjorn Iooss below:




(Photo Credit: Bjorn Iooss / Net-a-Porter)

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