On Thursday, Essence magazine’s annual Black Women in Hollywood Awards brought out Hollywood’s A-listers. The event which takes place during the week leading up to the Academy Awards spotlights women who are “pushing the limits, raising the bar and breaking through barriers in both film and television.”
Lupita Nyong’o was absolutely stunning as she presented the cast of Orange Is the New Black with the Vanguard award. The 12 Year’s a Slave actress wore a frock-like dress with a myriad of hues for a yellow, orange, blue, pink and maroon design. The actress kept her makeup minimal and rocked a berry lip.
Though Nyong’o chose a rainbow colored ensemble for the event, it seems that white was the hot color of the night as Garcelle Beauvais, Tracee Ellis Ross, Jurnee Smollett Bell, and Kelly Rowland all wore ivory ensembles.
Essence magazine’s annual Black Women in Hollywood Awards was held in Beverly Hills. Hosted by Tracey Edmonds and Shemar Moore, the special will air this Saturday, February 21 at 10 pm ET/PT on OWN.
Take a look at a few of the night’s looks below and view more here!
Kelly Rowland
Tracee Ellis Ross
Tia Mowry-Hardrict
Uzo Aduba
Laverne Cox
(Photo Credit: Essence)