‘Django Unchained’ Actress Mistaken For Prostitute After Kissing White Husband

Actress Danielle Watts from Django Unchained was handcuffed and detained by Los Angeles police after being mistaken for a prostitue and client after kissing her white husband in public, ABC News reports.

After an alleged 911 call for “indecent exposure” involving a white male and black female inside a silver Mercedes, two police officers arrived on the scene and requested photo IDs from both parties.

“The police show up. I am outside of the car talking to my dad on the phone,” Watts said in a CNN interview with her celebrity chef husband, Brian Lucas, at her side. “He speaks to Brian asks [him] for my ID.”

When Watts refused to produce a ID when questioned, the officers handcuffed the actress and placed her in the back of the police cruiser while attempting to figure out her identity.

“As I was sitting in the back of the police car, I remembered the countless times my father came home frustrated or humiliated by the cops when he had done nothing wrong,” Watts shared on her Facebook. “I felt his shame, his anger, and my own feelings of frustration for existing in a world where I have allowed myself to believe that ‘authority figures’ could control my BEING… my ability to BE!!!!!!!”

According to the police report, the officers detained the two individuals that matched the description of their suspects, but released them soon after further investigation determined that no crime had been committed.

Lucas posted a photos of the incident onto his Facebook page last week.

(Photo Credit: Facebook/ Cheffy BeLive)

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