Ray J Recieves Plea Deal For Trespassing Misdemeanor

Reality TV star and singer Ray J, whose birth name is Willie Ray Norwood Jr., pleaded no contest to a trespassing incident from May after being accused of groping a woman at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel bar.

According to Beverly Hills Police Department, Norwood “subsequently entered the valet area and became belligerent with the valets and refused to leave” when he was ordered to leave the bar. While in custody, Norwood shattered a patrol car window with his feet before spitting in one of the officer’s face.

The entertainer was initially charged with four misdemeanor counts, including sexual battery, vandalism, battery on a police officer and resisting arrest, stated the Los Angeles Country district attorney’s office. However, all charges except the misdemeanor trespassing were dismissed.

Nonetheless, the plea deal requires Norwood to be on 3 years of probation, do 50 hours of community service, attend 12 anger management counseling sessions and alcohol therapy session. He must also keep his distance from the hotel and pay for the broken police car window.

How in the world did he get away with that? Tell us your thoughts below.

(Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for BMI)