New Book Focuses On African-American Experience In Pennsylvania During Civil War

penn civil war

Pennsylvania Civil War 150, the state’s official program commemorating the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War, recently announced the release of a new publication, “The Civil War in Pennsylvania: The African American Experience.”

The book is published by the Senator John Heinz History Center in partnership with Pennsylvania Civil War 150.

The new, 240-page book features essays written by national experts on African-American life during the Civil War. A total of eight essays cover topics related to Pennsylvania’s role in the Civil War, ranging from the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 to Camp William Penn and the service of the United States Colored Troops.

“The Civil War in Pennsylvania: The African American Experience,” is edited by Samuel W. Black, director of African-American Programs at the Senator John Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh, and tells the little-known but extremely important stories of African-Americans and the Civil War. It provides new insights into topics such as emigration, abolitionism, civil rights, armed resistance, service in the war, and more. It treats the war with circumspection from a point of view that defines the conflict as a war over slavery and the opportunity to liberate the masses of Africans from bondage.

The book is currently available for $29.95 online at and The State Museum Store as well as through the Heinz History Center’s e-store at It will become available in other retail outlets in the coming year.

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