Jennifer Hudson Spoofs Kerry Washington’s ‘Scandal’ in PSA

A trouble-free Washington, D.C., would be a bummer for Scandal fans.

The same can be said for Jennifer Hudson, who plays an Olivia Pope-like character in this new Funny or Die spoof on Kerry Washington’s hit show. Watch it below.

“I prefer ‘covert scandal manager,’ ” Hudson says when asked if she’s a “fixer.”

In Scandalous, Hudson runs around the nation’s capital, meeting potential clients on park benches and in dark alleyways, hoping to solve some salacious publicity puzzles. Instead, she finds herself explaining the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Looking like Olivia Pope in a chic white trench coat, Hudson’s character, Lydia Cole, asks one distraught woman, “What’s your issue?”

“My company’s healthcare,” the woman replies, “it doesn’t cover mammograms.”

“The ACA covers preventative care for women’s health,” Hudson says. “That’s it? Girl, go find you a scandal.”

The parody is the start of an effort by a small group of Hollywood entertainers who hope to persuade young Americans to sign up for the new government medical coverage this fall.

Hudson, Amy Poehler and representatives for Oprah Winfrey and Alicia Keys met with senior White House officials in July to discuss ways to use pop culture to inform younger citizens about the program, Reuters reported at the time.