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Singer Tina Turner Gives Up U.S. Passport to Become Swiss Citizen

Singer Tina Turner is giving up her U.S. passport in favor of a Swiss one.

“I’m very happy in Switzerland and I feel at home here…I cannot imagine a better place to live,” Turner told a German newspaper called “Blick.”

The “Private Dancer” singer is a native of Tennessee and has been living in the Zurich suburb of Kuesnacht since the 1990s.

Local Swiss newspapers said that the local council has granted the 73-year-old citizenship but still requires formal approval from state and federal authorities. It also said she will be renouncing her U.S. citizenship.

(Photo by Miguel Villagran/Getty Images)

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  • http://twitter.com/southofcloud9 RoyaM

    Great! She’s a Buddhist, but she chose to become a citizen of a country
    that eat dogs. No, I don’t mean China or any other Asian country.
    Yes, the Swiss! They love their dog meat ~ especially Rottwieler &
    St. Bernards because it’s the meatiest dog! Om Shanti Tina!

  • http://www.facebook.com/chris.beck.52438 Chris Beck

    seems disrespecfull to America to change her country citiziship. Where would she be if it wasnt for Americans who help create her music and wealth. It must be a income tax deal

  • ExpatAmi

    Tina Turner has been justly and fairly paying her Swiss income taxes for the past 20 years, so this is not an “income tax deal” since becoming Swiss won’t change anything in relation to her Swiss income taxes.

    As for the US, Americans can only thank her and appreciate all that she has done for America and the world. America would have lacked much wealth and music if Tina Turner had not made the effort to make it happen. Without people like Tina Turner, America would be nothing.

  • ExpatAmi

    Being Buddhist does not mean that one must eat meat in a nation which does not prohibit the consumption of such. Must the consumption of meat be prohibited to prevent people from eating it? Maybe America can learn a few things from Switzerland concerning the concept of a government allowing people to choose what they want to eat.

  • knippd

    Many non-American musicians become wealthy from selling music in other countries.

  • http://slrman.wordpress.com/ James Smith

    Good for her, she’s among the many fed up with what Amerika has become. Vote with your feet.