Published On: Fri, Oct 26th, 2012

Zoe Saldana as Nina Simone Darkens Controversy

The first photo of actress Zoe Saldana as the celebrated jazz and soul singer Nina Simone has been leaked on the Internet, answering some questions and raising others.

From the image of Saldana, 34, wearing an Afro wig and what appears to be a prosthetic nose and skin-darkening makeup, it’s apparent that the film’s director, Cynthia Mort, is aiming for Saldana to look as much as possible like Simone.

Since the casting of the petite actress, born of a Dominican father and Puerto Rican mother, questions have been raised about how Saldana could be transformed into the curvy, dark-skinned Simone. But creating the look was only one part of the controversy that has arisen, particularly in the black blogosphere, about Saldana’s casting. Everyone from singer-actress Jill Scott, who some suggested could play Simone, to her daughter, Lisa Simone Kelly, has chimed in.


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