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Published On: Thu, Oct 27th, 2011

The Texas Sorority Rapist’s Bizarre Obsession

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A Texas serial rapist who is attacking older members of one of the nation’s most prominent sororities appears to have bizarre and dangerous compulsions, a forensic psychologist told ABCNews.com. The rapist has assaulted four women in the Dallas area, all in their mid-50s to mid-60s who are alums of the largest Greek-lettered black sorority in the world, Delta Sigma Theta.

“Most often the target population is going to be a younger group of women,” said Naftali Berrill, director of the New York Center for Neuropsychology and Forensic Behavioral Science.

He described the case as “weird and unusual.”

“It’s typically not going to be middle-aged women who come from a certain subclass,” Berrill said.


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